Thursday, June 17, 2010

Abu Dhabi Doo!

Serious movie reviewers said that Sex and The City 2 is terrible. Grossly dressed. An injustice to the original TV series.

I don't care what the critics say.

SATC2 is like girl's night out manifest. It's sometimes overly dressed, sometimes nonsensical. But it's also fun, sassy, and in-your-face. A lot of penis (clothed). And indulgence. It's one big laugh fest from start to finish, with serious moments peppered in between. Includes some SERIOUS manwatching.

I thought George Clooney (Good job on Elisabetta Canalis, she's hot!) was the only one who missed the memo that old guys aren't supposed to be this sexy. Apparently Max Ryan didn't get it either.

It's totally a girl/gay movie. My friend Yeni and I nixed our boyfriends and watched it just us girls. Liza Minelli singing Single Ladies, anyone?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Family Food

Last Friday our cook prepared cosido for us.

I frikkin' love cosido.

It's kinda simple, really: boil beef, put it aside, boil the potatoes in the same pot, put 'em aside, boil the cabbage in the same pot, put 'em aside, boil the chickpeas, chorizos, jamon, etc. in the same manner, then throw them together and serve the soup separately. At least that's what my mum told me, I've no idea why you can't just cook 'em all together.

Either way, it's delicious. It looks spare now, but then you have all these condiments you're supposed to put on them:

Let's go through them one by one. Vinegar, rock salt or sea salt or salt with herbs, Worcestershire sauce, and finally, extra virgin olive oil. In that order.

This is what really makes the cosido special.

During family reunions, like over Christmas or New Year's for example, my grand uncles always fight over who makes better cosido. So my grand aunt prepares two giant (seriously, huge) clay pots of the stuff, and my late grand uncle Eddie (God rest his soul) and his brother Horacio each had their own pot to work on.

When they're done, us nephews and nieces have to taste a little from each and proclaim who made the better cosido.

We always end up quietly telling both grand uncles that, yes, tito, yours really is the best, I'm just eating the other one to be polite.

But really, they kind of tasted the same: really freaking good.

You know what I love about cosido? The crunchy cabbage. The soft potatoes that serve contrast to the savory beef chunks with just a hint of sourness from the vinegar. The chickpeas that split in your mouth and spread over your tongue. The salty jamon and chorizo. Savory, sweet, sour, salty, balanced, all together. A spoonful of a little of everything. That's the perfect spoonful.

And after we'd stuffed ourselves on cosido and bread, we'd sip at the piping hot superflavorful soup.

And then have bread pudding or halo-halo for dessert. But that's another story.