Sunday, May 16, 2010


Last weekend my family went to Anilao, Batangas and I got so sore from too much fun. I was looking forward to some wakeboarding but what I got instead was an upgrade from the gigantic blue Starboard windsurf board I usually use to a slightly-less-gigantic white sinky wobbly board. No big feat but as a beginner, I appreciated the level-up. And I was beginning to learn to use the harness as well. What happened was that I ended up drifting each time I tried to use it and I had to be saved by kayak.

Arms sore and back burned, I kayaked over 100 meters as many times as I needed saving, and went to play scrabble instead. Lots of it!

My siblings and I are noobs at Scrabble, it's my mum who bought the set and thought we might wanna learn (she beats us big time). Here's a photo of our game one night. It must look pretty lame compared to the words Scrabble fans usually score. We didn't have a dictionary either, so it was pretty much went like "is that really a word?" "yeah." "mama, is that a real word? can we use that?" "mmm, yes." "okay." and we used slang all over the place, Scrabble rules be damned.

On the way home we passed a gas station and I bought myself a pack of strawberry Yan-Yan. For those unfamiliar with Yan-Yan, it's a snack with short, sweet bread sticks and a chocolate or strawberry creamy dip. I hadn't had Yan-Yan in a long time, so it surprised me to see designs toasted into the bread sticks. Designs such as "owl up at night" "bat only in the night" "elephant jumbo" and other weird nonsense (which you can find in the Yan-Yan wikipedia entry).

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